Ashhwika Foundation


how to recharge your energy

As the external environment changes fast, the importance of self-management increases. Managing ourselves is an art that we should create beautifully. It is not always possible to manage the external environment, so the emphasis has shifted from the external to the internal i.e towards managing our inner resources, which we have so far tended to neglect. We are not even aware of the silently moving undercurrents within our own inner selves.

As we are going through rapid, delicate changing times, there is not even a single day when we can say “yes! Today is a fine day as nothing came up, no problems, no stresses, no inner conflicts…” so the question arises as to what can provide us a firm way for gaining freedom from unwanted, nagging thoughts. The answer being unlocked to this is in recharging ourselves.

In older times it was said: “the one who doesn’t believe in god is an atheist”, a non-believer but according to the new philosophy of Vivekananda, the one who doesn’t believe in himself is an atheist.

The only thing that is constant is ‘change’. In our day-to-day life, situations are changing rapidly, and to cope with them, we even are drifting with them but if we have exceptional skills of self-management, we can accept the change with maturity and deal with them gracefully. These skills can be generated by recharging ourselves daily. We have to manage THE SELF with the three ‘C’s…courage, compassion, and creative experiences moving through the changing times and even manage others by setting an example by becoming a compassionate being in front of them. As it is rightly said: “BE what you want them to BE.”

Now, as I quoted before to ‘recharge ourselves’. Recharging can be done by making a true connection with our own inner self. Now the question arises, ‘how to connect with our inner self?’ This can be done by developing a morning ritual…


Among the most powerful concepts of Zen Buddhism is the idea of sitting. When nothing is added you experience your enlightened nature. Most of the time your mind will be active with thoughts and images. Your task is not to get rid of thoughts but to come back again being aware of your posture. You are learning to be present at the moment. Develop this morning ritual by setting aside the first 15 minutes for some days and gradually it will become a part of your being enabling you to connect to yourself by connecting daily, automatically you will feel recharged. “Sit as still as a mountain. Be a mountain”

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