Ashhwika Foundation

In a groundbreaking initiative to foster healing and skill development, Ashhwika Foundation, a prominent mental health awareness NGO, organized a transformative workshop at AMITY University, Greater Noida, Knowledge Park. The workshop, specifically designed with acid attack survivors, was a powerful testament to the foundation’s commitment to holistic well-being and empowerment.

The picturesque campus of AMITY University provided an ideal setting for this endeavor, creating an atmosphere of inclusivity and support. Against the backdrop of academic excellence, the Healing & Skill Development Workshop unfolded as a beacon of hope, addressing the unique challenges faced by acid attack survivors and offering them a platform for emotional healing and skill enhancement.

The workshop, conducted in collaboration with AMITY University, brought together survivors, mental health professionals, and skilled trainers to create a nurturing environment for learning and growth. One of the focal points of the event was to recognize the resilience of acid attack survivors and provide them with tools to rebuild their lives with confidence and dignity.

The sessions kicked off with an opening address by the founder of Ashhwika Foundation, setting the tone for the day. The emphasis was not only on acknowledging the trauma that survivors had endured but also on celebrating their strength and potential for growth. The workshop aimed to move beyond the label of victimhood, focusing on the survivors’ capabilities and aspirations.

The core of the workshop comprised specialized healing sessions led by experienced mental health professionals. These sessions delved into various aspects of emotional well-being, offering survivors a safe space to express their feelings and explore strategies for coping and resilience. The interactive nature of these sessions encouraged open dialogue and peer support, fostering a sense of community among the participants.

Parallelly, the skill development component of the workshop was carefully curated to provide survivors with practical tools for economic independence. Experts in vocational training conducted sessions on skill sets such as computer literacy, artisanal crafts, and entrepreneurship. The goal was not only to impart valuable skills but also to instill a sense of agency and self-sufficiency among the survivors.

An inspiring highlight of the workshop was the participation of acid attack survivors who had successfully overcome societal stigma and built thriving careers. Their stories served as living testimonials to the power of resilience and the transformative impact of support systems. The survivors shared their journeys, providing insights into the challenges they faced and the strategies they employed to reclaim their lives.

The collaboration with AMITY University added an academic dimension to the workshop, offering survivors the opportunity to explore educational avenues and career possibilities. Representatives from different academic departments engaged with the participants, facilitating discussions about potential courses, scholarships, and mentorship programs.

The day concluded with a closing ceremony that celebrated the achievements of the survivors throughout the workshop. Certificates of participation were awarded, not just as tokens of completion, but as symbols of the survivors’ strength, determination, and newfound skills. The event closed with a sense of empowerment and optimism, as the survivors left with enhanced emotional well-being, new skills, and a network of support.

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